Ayurveda places a great deal of importance on taste (Rasa in Sanskrit). The six essential Ayurvedic tastes for a every meal are Madhura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Lavana (Salty), Katu (Spicy), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent). Each taste has its own function and unique properties that benefit the body and aid digestion.
Madhura (Sweet)
Cereals, good fats and root vegetables are examples of the Madhura taste which forms the main source of your body’s nourishment. The Madhura taste also helps line the mucous membrane of your stomach to ensure acidic digestive enzymes don’t cause ulcerations or damage your stomach or intestinal membranes. When consumed in moderation, the sweet taste boosts strength and longevity. In excess, it could lead to conditions such as Diabetes and obesity.
Amla (Sour)
Amla or the sour taste can be found in pickles, lemons, tamarind or vinegar. It is important in kindling your digestive fire (Agni) and secreting essential enzymes that break down food consumed. Amla is the taste that is credited with awakening emotions and improving digestion.
Lavana (Salty)
Lavana or the salty taste comes from the salt we use to cook our food. It primarily helps moisten the food making it easier to break down. In excess, Lavana could cause issues with your blood pressure and skin.
Katu (spicy)
Katu is a pungent taste that comes from the host of Indian spices we use like cumin, pepper, chilies, ginger and garlic. Apart from aiding the digestive process, the spicy taste also improves appetite, cleanses tissues and enhances blood circulation.
Tikta (Bitter)
The bitter taste of Tikta comes from bitter green leafy vegetables or gourd vegetables. You can also find it in herbal teas. Tikta is a natural detoxifier and has antibacterial properties. It helps fight toxins present in the food as well as enables us to feel satiated.
Kashaya (Astringent)
The last taste is Kashaya, the astringent taste which comes from things like buttermilk, unripe bananas, cranberries, and green beans. Kashaya is important for the assimilation and absorption of the food. It also helps in draining excess fluid and healing.
For a balanced diet and good health, Ayurveda prescribes the inclusion of these six tastes. While it might not be possible to include all six tastes for every meal, make it a point to at least include three out of the six.
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