
Skin Growth

Skin Tags
Acrochordon or skin tags are commonly acquired benign skin coloured growth that resembles a small, soft balloon suspended on a slender stalk.
Also known as Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra, DPN is a benign epidermal growth that presents as hyper-pigmented or skin coloured papules on the face and neck.
Molluscum Contagiosum
This is a viral skin infection characterized by raised tiny white pearly bumps on the skin.

Cherry Angiomas
These are red-colored and non-cancerous spots that can grow anywhere on the body in adulthood. They form from an overgrowth of capillaries.
Seborrheic keratoses
These are non-cancerous skin growth that tends to appear later in life and are usually a light tan, brown, or black in colour.
Pyogenic granulomas
These are skin growths that are small, round and usually blood-red in colour due to the large number of blood vessels they contain.
These are sac-like pockets under the skin that contain fluid, air or other substances.
These are small, dome-shaped bumps that are usually white or yellow in colour and are generally asymptomatic.

Digital mucinous pseudocysts
These are non-cancerous lumps that can develop on the ends of the fingers and sometimes the toes, and can potentially cause problems in nail growth.
These are yellow deposits of cholesterol around the eyes that develop in adults. They may be caused by internal cholesterol problems.
These are generally non-cancerous tumors on a nerve that can occur under the skin anywhere in the body. Occasionally these can cause pain or numbness in the affected area if the tumor presses against nerves.
These are non-cancerous growths that only require treatment if they become tender, painful, or itchy. They are usually seen on the lower legs or trunk and are of unknown origin.
These are dome-shaped lump or tumour that occurs on sun-damaged skin and grow rapidly.
These are usually small overgrowths of fat cells located just under the skin. They tend to feel doughy or rubbery and can appear at any age.
