+91 84089 93333 / +91 84089 93322

Having fewer than three bowel movements a week is the definition of Constipation.
It is one of the most frequent gastrointestinal complaints.

A 67 year old male client with the chief complaint of constipation along with excessive flatulence, bloating and occasional headache and back pain came to ORIJINE. He had tried a number of home remedies and over the counter herbal formulations along with preparations like Milk of Magnesia and Dulcolax. But was not too happy with the overall results. 

After a detailed history of the client, the conclusion made was that the kind of constipation he suffered was not due to any underlying disease or condition but because of faulty dietary habits and physical inactivity.

Treatment principles like apaan vayu anuloman, mridu snehan ( oleation ) and shtoto shodhan of purishvah strotas ( cleansing of the excretory system ) were used by giving different decoctions and tablets and medicated ghees. 

A comprehensive list of food items to be avoided was given, the right quantity of water to be consumed every day along with a list of Yogasanas to be practiced on a daily basis as advised.

The treatment went on for about 6 months post which all his major complaints- constipation, hard stools, flatulence, bloating had subsided.
The occasional headache and back pain has subsided 2 months after starting the medication ( since these symptoms were Vata related and didn’t have any independent pathophysiology )

Currently, most of his medications have been stopped other than a couple of herbal powders ( digestives and mild laxatives ) that he takes intermittently, as when the need is felt. 

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